Thursday, October 18, 2012

Reading and Writing

Reading and writing are an essential part of life. People write for school, work, and for fun. Reading can be used in the office or out of the office. Both reading and writing are crucial skills that a person must possess in order to succeed in the world of business management, among other areas. For Terry, a man that I previously interviewed regarding his career in management, reading and writing are essential. When I first conducted the interview, I thought that because he was the owner of a major motel that he had someone to assist him with his legal affairs. I also figured that the only things that he wrote were schedules and reprimands. To my surprise, Terry insists that he handle his own affiars, no matter how big or how small.

On any given day, Terry reviews and responds to multiple emails. One would think that there is not much to reading an email or even to sending one. However, as I have recently discovered there are rules for both. Terry does not just review emails, he also has to know how to respond to them. When I say respond to them, I don’t mean emailing the person back either. As we all know, there are people out there who do not know the do’s and don’ts of sending emails which can also be found here -----> Source. Some people like to send emails without proofreading them or while they are in a bad mood. Reading emails means to first read and then to decide how you feel about what has just been stated. If the email does not offend you then it is safe to reply back. However, if it is offensive than the best thing to do is to wait a while, read it again, and then reply. Never reply back and try to offend the other person or tell them that you were offended because this will only make things worse and everyone could end up being offended.

As for replying, Terry must try to be as professional as he can be. As I have just learned from my teacher in one of my Management classes, it is always proper to address the person by name or title at the beginning of the email and then to state your name at the end. Another professor of management also stated that the wording should sound professional and if it is not, he won’t reply back. Learning to send and receive emails is an important part of being a manager and owning a business. Terry is not able to simply read an email and respond however he chooses because that is not the professional thing to do and it could be very costly if he offends someone.

The next type of reading that Terry does everyday is to review comments that are written by customers. Here is a website that has some reviews on it, (this site has nothing to do with Terry, his motel, or the company), Source. As an owner of a motel it is important to know what your customers think about everything from the service to the room and even the parking and food situation around the motel. If Terry reads that a customer is unhappy with some part of the service they received it is important to address those issues. Customer reviews are very important also because if the customers are not happy then they will not want to return. If nobody wants to return, then Terry is out of business and does not make any money.
As a customer, I also know that reviews are an important decision maker when I am choosing a place to stay. If I see a bad review I will choose not to stay somewhere and the same goes for if the place has a good review. I think that all managers and owners should try to read reviews from their customers. If Terry can read a review, address it, and let the customer know the changes that have been made, then the customer may be willing to write a new review and return to the motel again.

Some other things that a business owner of a motel may have to write would be the employees work schedules and notes for the manager to read. Some other reading material that a business owner of a motel may have to read would be rules and regulations that govern their field. An example of this would be the rules and regulations about the rights of handicapped guests that stay at their motel. Some rules to consider can be found here -----> Source. Labor laws, minimum wage costs, and safety regulations are also some other things that an owner of a motel would need to research.



  1. After reading your post, I really started to think about how a business professional should really go take a class on how to write and reply emails. I did a little research and found is a good site just to start learning about how to send and reply emails.

    1. I definately would suggest taking a class on writing and replying to emails. I think that with the way times are changing that this sort of class should become mandatory for all business majors. Not wrting professionally could cost a person their job, yet just by taking one class on how to write and reply, this could actually allow someone to receive a promotion by impressing their managers. Have you ever had to use email at work or in a professional manner?

    2. I didn't feel I had to write an email in a professional manner, but I would really love to take an class abouut how to write professionally at school.

  2. Surprisingly emailing is very important in the business world and its complexity is often overlooked. As the writer you must write a concise subject because that is what the recipient sees first. With so much mail in their inbox they will disregard anything that may not seem professional or relevant. Check out this site for some more tips

    1. I agree. This semester I have learned just how important emails are. Many people don't think they are due to the growing number of people that now use email. However, even in a school setting it is important to be professional when emailing because you never know how somebody is going to react. Although I did not talk about the subject, it is ultimately a very important part of an emial because like you said it is what the recipient sees first. Do you find yourself deleting or ignoring emails based on their subject?

    2. All the time. I receive way too many emails to mindfully read each one. I usually look at who sent it and what the subject is and if it does not seem important at all I just delete it. When I am not sure if it looks important or not I skim through the email and if it does not appeal to me within the first few seconds of skimming I just disregard the entire email. How do you approach your email priorities?

    3. I learned how to managing your emails at work from my prior internship at the hotel. The Sales Coordinator that I shadow, she told me that being organize and the ability to prioritize is very important in any kind of business. She showed me how she created different folders for different emails and then extract/drag those emails into appropriate folder to keep organize. Each day when you come in, the first thing you do is to check your emails. Normally you will receive tons of email and reading through them, you need to prioritize what to do first, second, then third and so on. You can find out more about how to organize and prioritize emails in this link here. I hope it helps.

  3. Reading and responding to emails in the business environment is much different than personal emails. May be that’s why business major students need to take business communication as required core class. If business corresponding not properly, it can cause a lot of problems. Some might event cause law sues!
    It is important for business owners to take care of customer reviews and try to fix the problems that rose. That’s how they can improve their service and gain customers’ loyalties.
