Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Protean Career

 For as long as I can remember, the most ideal life events of an American adult consists of: graduating from high school, attending college and landing an amazing job in some big firm with great benefits and a consistent work schedule. But in today's workplace this is no longer the case. Longevity and loyalty have unfortunately taken a backseat, thanks to the protean career movement!

The protean career means that nothing is forever. A protean career is "is a process which the person, not the organization, is managing. It consists of all of the person's varied experiences in education, training, work in several organizations, changes in occupational field, etc. The protean person's own personal career choices and search for self-fulfillment are the unifying or integrative elements in his or her life."

Technology is one element that has helped to eliminate many of the jobs previously held by human beings. Things are now computer-generated and technologically controlled. People are no longer necessary for many jobs that once ceased to exist without our participation. What a person used to be able to do, a computer can now do better and faster. Afterall, time is money. Therefore, companies make money by taking jobs from people and giving them to computers.

No career is forever with the exception of three: A clergy position,  government position, or a tenure position. So, if you would like to be either a priest or nun (clergy position), a USPS worker (government position) or a teacher (tenure) then you will have a lifelong career. However, for the rest of the people in the world who wish to do something else this is not the case. The only possible promise that can be made is that unemployment rates may continue to rise. However, I am not saying that a person who does not hold one of the three protean careers cannot hold a lifelong position. The odds are just very unlikely.

Although, there are some ways to increase your chances of holding one position for a lifetime. First of all, try to be realisitc. If your employer is not doing well then you may not have a job for much longer. Be flexible. Do what it takes to stay employed. Last but not least, adapt. There will be times when it is necessary to try something new, or take a courses to further your education, so be willing to take the extra step.

If the above suggestions do not work then the last point I would like to add is to take a look at Protean Careers where 6 tips are listed to thrive or read the tips below....

        THE 6 TIPS:
  1. Reduce television time and spend an hour a day contemplating the future and where you fit in. You can’t change anything tomorrow with the same thoughts you have today.
  2. Don’t put all your financial eggs in one basket; consider multiple sources of income.
  3. Bring more value to the marketplace tomorrow than you did today; invest in lifelong education and increase your worth, so you are compensated accordingly.
  4. Create your own job. You don’t have to invest big bucks to start a business. Just seek out opportunities and go for it! Become a painter, a cook, an electrician, a subcontractor, or form a web-based business. Be resourceful and identify ways to self-generate income.
  5. Downsize your life and live within your means. The federal government is broke and most states are as well. All of society must become fiscally responsible.
  6. Invest in good health. No one can build a thriving future with poor health, no energy, and a negative mindset. We all must work as hard on ourselves as we do on our careers.

***information for this blog was gathered from Jayblock


  1. The protean career does not sound appealing at all. Why would anybody want to start a protean career if it seems so unstable? I would not want to invest in a protean career because in the long run when I settle down I do not want to have insecurity. Rather I think it is best to be adaptable and keep your options open but constant change can be your own demise.

    1. I agree with Pierre that starting a business is not easy especially if its unstable. In my perspective of stable, acquire a job from a stable company is better than to risk my own money to start a business that I don't know if it will be successful or not. Also, to comment on technology the fact that it reduced jobs offered to people. I think technology is actually creating more jobs for people as there are so many online businesses like social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google, to name a few, and mobile apps are booming right now.
